7.4.2022 13:20

Öryggismál rædd í Færeyjum

Þegar rætt var um færeysk málefni snerust umræðurnar að verulegu leyti um endurgerð ratsjárinnar á Sornfelli skammt frá Þórshöfn sem reist var í lok sjötta áratugarins en lokað 2007.

Í dag var Conference on security in the North Atlantic and Arctic Region í Fróðspakarsetri Færeyja.

IMG_4431Mynd Sigr. Snævarr

IMG_4727Ráðstefnusalurinn er gamalt saltverkunarhús niður við höfnina Í Þórshöfn sem er nú fyrirlestrarsalur háskólans.

IMG_4724Úr ráðstefnusalnum sést yfir á Tinganes, aðsetur lögmanns Færeeyja,

Ráðstefnan hófst klukkan 10.00 og hér er dagskráin:

Introduction: The World Ahead: Security and geopolitics from 2022-2035.

Michael Zilmer-Johns, previous Danish ambassador to NATO and chairman of the high level group of national officials, established in preparation for the next Danish Defense Agreement.

Panel 1


Great Power Politics in the 21st Century: The panel will examine the geostrategic significance of the North Atlantic with regard to regional security developments and the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

IMG_4451Hér sitjum við Caroline Kennedy-Pipe við pallborðið. (Mynd Sigr. Snævarr.)

10.15-10.25: Caroline Kennedy-Pipe, Professor of War Studies, Loughborough University.

IMG_4441Mynd Sigr. Snævarr

10.25-10.35: Björn Bjarnason, former Icelandic Minister of Justice and Culture, author of the report Nordic Foreign and Security Policy (2020) initiated by the Nordic foreign ministers. Hér má lesa ræðu mína.

10.35-10.45: Lin Alexandra Mortensgaard, Center for Military Studies, Research Assistant, University of Copenhagen.

10.45-11.00: Questions and comments.


The North Atlantic Region and Arctic Security: The panel will examine challenges and opportunities for small states and non-sovereign territories in the North Atlantic region in the wake of a new geopolitical reality.

11.15-11.25: Jeppe Strandsbjerg, Associate Professor, Center for Arctic Security Studies.

11.25-11.35: Stefan Wolff, Professor, University of Birmingham.

11.35-11.45: Lassi Heininen, Professor and editor of The Arctic Yearbook, University of Lapland.

11.45-12.00: Questions and comments.

Panel 3


The Faroe Islands, Security and Foreign Policy: The panel will examine the implications of the global and regional security developments for the Faroe Islands.

12.15-12.25: Esben Salling Larsen, Major and Lecturer, The Royal Danish Defense College.

12.25-12.35: Halla Nolsøe Poulsen, Faroese Representative in Reykjavik, Iceland.

12.35-12.45: Heini í Skorini, Associate Professor, University of the Faroe Islands.

12.45-13.00: Questions and comments.


Annemarie Peen Rodt, Associate Professor, Center for Arctic Security Studies, The Royal Danish Defense College

Henrik Gram Pedersen, Major and Director of the Center for Arctic Security Studies, The Royal Danish Defense College.

Þegar rætt var um færeysk málefni snerust umræðurnar að verulegu leyti um endurgerð ratsjárinnar á Sornfelli skammt frá Þórshöfn sem reist var í lok sjötta áratugarins en lokað 2007.

Okkur var nokkrum boðið þangað í skoðunarferð miðvikudaginn 6. apríl. Það skall á hríðarbylur svo að ekkert útsýni var uppi á fjallinu. Hér eru myndir þaðan:


IMG_4707Víða má sjá vindorkuver í Færeyjum. Hér eitt sem við sáum fyrir ofan Þórshöfn á leiðinni að ratsjárstöðinni.
